Home Grown Mosquito Repellent from your Rasta Garden

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Homemade Mosquito Repellent

Buy Lemongrass Repellant

Lemon Grass or Fever Grass is something that is always growing in a subtropical or tropical garden. It is a very beneficial medicinal plant and with the addition of cloves makes an excellent mosquito repellent. Learn from James Wong how to make it and grow your own drugs to make cough mixtures, ointments and all manner of exciting concoctions.

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Mosquitoes are going to be back with a vengeance this year after all the Spring Rain we have had in Australia and Dengue Fever and Ross River Fever are a constant threat as they spread further and further South of the Continent. Spreading chemical repellents is quite dangerous and expensive so why not give it a go. The aim of course is definitely not to get bitten so cover up at dawn and dusk and be aware.

To make homemade mosquito repellent from plants in your garden you need a big bunch of lemongrass and a handful of cloves. Cut the lemongrass up into small pieces and put it in to a pot over a another pot of boiling water. Add one and half cups of oil, organic sunflower or macadamia is great. Cover it with a lid and let it steam for a few hours. Strain what remains through some cheese cloth. The lemongrass and cloves will have fused with the oil to create your own natural mosquito repellent. Funnel it into a bottle massage in as required. Cinnamon sticks can also be added to the mix if available.

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